API Workflows
The combination of the APIs can be used in workflows, here are business case scenarios and the workflows to achieve them.
I. Submitting invoice with attachment
Submit invoice using Submission API with attachments attribute as true in invoice payload.

Acquire the submission id.
Use the attachment API to upload an attachment
Acquire the attachment id
Use the submission API to associate the attachment id to the submission id, thus having associated the attachment to the submitted invoice.
Use the submission API to again change the status of the invoice to received (or ready) state.
II. Submitting invoice and updating invoice status
Submit invoice using the submission API
Acquire the submission id and invoice id from the response
Check for the status of the invoice using status API using either the submission id or invoice id.
Update the status of the invoice using status API every step until it is ebilled.
III. Fetching required fields values for invoice payload while submitting
In order to submit an invoice, the payload needs certain information like Consumer id , Law firm id and payor org id.
Client API can be used to fetch the client ids associated with the producer. This id is used in the invoice payload as ConsumerId (UBF) / Ebilling_id (ESF).
Producer Data API can be used to pull clientLawFirmID (UBF) / biller_id (ESF) attributes used in invoice payload.
Vendor API can be used to pull lawFirmId (UBF) / billing_org (ESF) attributes in invoice payload.
Once this information is acquired, the payload can be submitted using the submission API.
IV. Validating invoice before submitting
Before submitting and invoice it is recommended to validate the invoice payload as this would result in identifying validation errors if any in earlier stage and would in turn reduce rejection rate.
Using the validation API to validate the invoice would provide us with any validation errors if any.
Once validated, we can now use the ‘Get validated invoice’ service from validation API to acquire validated payload (URI) and submit the payload via submission API.
V. Emailing information about submitted API
Submit invoice via submission API, get invoice id from the response.
Use Email viewer API and pass the invoice id to get the mail content with invoice details.
This content can be used in sending the mail to concerned parties.
VI. Fetching required fields values for invoice payload for Validation (Similar to scenario III)
In order to validate an invoice, the payload needs certain information like Consumer id , Law firm id and payor org id.
Client API can be used to fetch the client ids associated with the producer. This id is used in the invoice payload as ConsumerId (UBF) / Ebilling_id (ESF).
Producer Data API can be used to pull clientLawFirmID (UBF) / biller_id (ESF) attributes used in invoice payload.
Vendor API can be used to pull lawFirmId (UBF) / billing_org (ESF) attributes in invoice payload.
Once this information is acquired, the payload can be submitted using the validation API.
VII. Status API - search for details
We can use status API to get invoice details by providing invoice ids. The response will include information on current Hub status and reference number, matter, Vendor and client information.
We can relate the information provided in the response with fields in submitted UBF invoice: